MrsK's K-8 Books Worth Reading

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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Blooming Spring Reads for K-YA

Spring is a wonderful time for a new book exploration!

Shirley Barber
ISBN: 780760723814
Publisher's Synopsis:
This is absolutely one of my kids' favorite books. The stories are creative and fun, but it's the excellent artwork that really sets this book above others. The pictures are richly colorful and highly detailed with plenty to look at and entertain even the most fidgety child while you read the text. The artwork in this book is simply stunning. Each picture is rich in detail and has a border that has elements of the picture reflected in it. As you read the stories, the pictures make you feel as if you are looking into Martha B. Rabbit's world. The first story is called Martha B. Rabbit and the unexpected Guests. It is about Martha and her friend Tabitha the cat preparing for a long, cold winter The second story is called Martha B. Rabbit and Daphne the Forgetful Duck The third story is called Martha B. Rabbit and Those Wicked Rats Again. The stories are creative and fun, but it's the excellent artwork that really sets this book above others. The pictures are richly colorful and highly detailed with plenty to look at and entertain even the most fidgety child while you read the text. Martha B Rabbit Tabitha Cat Daphne Forgetful Duck Rats.
What is Springtime Goodness?
MrsK's Review: Read-Aloud
A visit with Martha B Rabbit is the perfect spring Storytime! 
"Small brown birds sing,
Nestlings on wing,
Gone is winter frost and snow,
Skies are deep blue,
And all day through,
Forest dwellers come and go..."
Martha and Tabitha are discussing the fall colors outside of their apple-tree house. It is time to gather berries and nuts for those who will need food during the cold months. Not only will deer come to drink from the water hole, but many will stop by to get warm and cozy, as well as hear a story by the fire.

One sunny morning, Martha, Tabitha, and William Elf began preparing their streamside garden. Greetings were shared with Daphne and her six fluffy ducklings. Of course, six little ducklings can be a bit mischievous when at the local market.

Summer adventures lead into the fall and winter. The fairies' party is being planned until... the three wicked rats decide to steal the party food.

Gather around for this tale is to be told... How Martha and Tabby became so well known,

Meet the Author:
Shirley Barber grew up in the Channel Islands, where she gained her lifelong love of nature and painting. A third-generation artist, she always dreamed of writing and illustrating children's books. But this dream did not come true until she had moved to Australia and her children had grown up.

Her first picture book Martha B. Rabbit - The Fairies' Cook was published by The Five Mile Press in 1988 and became an instant success. The following year it won first prize in the prestigious Critica Erba awards at the Bologna Children's Fair - an extraordinary achievement for a first book.

To date, Shirely Barber books have sold in excess of 10 million copies. They have been published in over 70 international editions in North America, Europe and Asia. Shirley's best-selling fairy title in Australia is The Tooth Fairy closely followed by The Enchanted Woods and Rainbow Magic. Shirley lives quietly in rural Victoria and continues to write and illustrate delightful storybooks enjoyed by children and adults alike.
Karen Wane
ISBN: 9781858543178
Publisher's Synopsis:
Designed to help improve numeracy, the book mirrors primary teaching methods to help ensure continuity and build confidence.

MrsK's Review: Pre-2nd
Who is the ten family? What are jumping numbers? What's the difference between fish, a starfish, and an octopus? Why do sports teams double? How would you compare a giraffe with a porcupine?

Each of these questions can be found within a math puzzle. Will you know how to solve these problems?
This is a perfect 5 minute warm up before introducing mathematical functions... so much to ponder, learn, and remember,
ISBN: 9780062845092
Publisher's Synopsis:
This My First I Can Read book is carefully crafted using basic language, word repetition, sight words, and sweet illustrations—which means it's perfect for shared reading with emergent readers. The active, engaging My First I Can Read stories have appealing plots and lovable characters, encouraging children to continue their reading journey.

Read about more of Otter’s adventures in I Am Otter, Otter in Space, Otter Goes to School, Otter Loves Halloween! Otter Loves Easter! Oh No, Bath Time! The Best Job Ever! Hello, Sea Friends! and Let’s Go Swimming!

MrsK's Review: Beginning Readers
Otter wants to go on a fun trip. What reader doesn't? After all books take us around the world, we can become our own "pirates" of adventure. Not only does otter have an endearing personality, Otter's love for the library and all of its grand discoveries, it is Otter's voice that brings great conversations with any beginning reader. Igniting a desire to become a life-long learner is an everlasting exploration.

This is one of the sweetest stories, perfect for inspiring beginning readers!

Meet the Author:

I’m Sam, I’m 33 and I live in Wokingham! I have a degree in illustration, and I spend most of my time drawing Otters whilst generally making a mess and thinking about why I still haven’t bought a kitten. I like putting inappropriate sweets in the freezer (Jelly tots) and my favorite film is Homeward bound. I wish I looked cool wearing headbands, but I don’t. Oh, and I’m rubbish at looking after house plants.

ISBN: 9781536235500
Publisher's Synopsis:
Dictionary wishes she could tell a story like other books. So, one day, she decides to bring her words to life. How exciting it is to finally have an adventure on her very own pages! But what will she do when her characters collide and everything gets all in a jumble, causing the most enormous tantrum to explode? This isn’t what she wanted at all! Luckily her friend Alphabet knows exactly what to do and sings a song that brings calm and order to Dictionary’s pages once again.

"One day, Dictionary decided to...
... bring her words to life."
MrsK's Review: 3rd+ Gr. Resource/Read & Discuss
Have you ever pondered that a Dictionary has all the words ever said? There within the dictionary's pages an alligator, a very hungry alligator appeared! Dictionary quickly learned that a "story was finally happening" within her pages!

This delightful tale is a perfect introduction to an often lonely, shelved book. Every reader will enjoy spending a moment or two with Dictionary and her chaotic tale. Yet, once Dictionary's tale is completed and the cover is closed... what type of discoveries could bring further adventures and tales to life?

As an educator, I wish I had this book for my classroom, once a month my learners would have had a creative writing day in which they would all "un-shelf" the dictionaries and create a tale for the day.

Have a word-playing time,

Meet the Author:
  Oliver Jeffers' work takes many forms. His distinctive paintings have been exhibited in galleries worldwide, and HarperCollins UK and Penguin USA publish his award-winning picture books, now translated into over 30 languages.
In 2007, Jeffers was the official illustrator for World Book Day, and in 2008 Lost and Found became Oliver's first book to made into animation by London-based Studio AKA.

Jeffers won a NY Emmy in 2010 for his collaborative work with the artist and director Mac Premo, and in 2013 Jeffers co-directed the video for U2's Ordinary Love with Premo. Originally from Belfast, Northern Ireland, Jeffers now lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.

ISBN: 9781536222173
Publisher's Synopsis:
What if you could send fan mail to your fairy tale idols? And what if they wrote back? “Happily, ever after” takes on a new meaning in this book from actor-comedian-author Richard Ayoade and best-selling illustrator David Roberts.

It’s once upon a time . . . as only the irreverently witty Richard Ayoade can tell it. In this series of letters organized by C. C. Cecily, Senior Secretary of the Fairy Tale Fan Club, the fairest of them all (and a few bitter foes) correspond with curious—and opinionated—fans. So, if you’ve ever wondered how a less-than-genius (and less-than-clothed) emperor fell for a certain con, how the Big Bad Wolf is handling meatless Mondays, or whether Rapunzel recommends going for the big chop, no need to look far, far away. Multihyphenate Richard Ayoade, author of The Book That No One Wanted to Read, hilariously imagines what questions modern children would have for characters such as Sleeping Beauty, Prince Charming, and Little Red Riding Hood—and what they might have to say in return. Complete with clever, spoof-gothic illustrations from David Roberts, this wry storybook may have even the Brothers Grimm cackling in their graves.

When is it "unwise to be what we are not?"

MrsK's Review: 3+Gr. Fairy Tale Resource
C. C. Cecily is the Senior Secretary of the Fairy Tale Fan Club. What a delightful job that would be, the possibilities of engagement with readers and their questions would be endless. I can only imagine what a classroom writing assignment would produce.

So... let's begin this humorous tale. What would you like to know from Little Red Riding Hood? Would you be asking how a wolf can swallow someone whole like Ira does?  What would you ask Rapunzel, or the Little Mermaid? 

Cinderella, Pinocchio, Sleeping Beauty, and Hansel/Gretel responses are encouraging, yet full of characteristics that a reader of their tales rarely enjoys. Of course, the Big Bad Wolf and Rumpelstiltskin are a bit more poignant in their responses. Then there's Jack, he points out the disadvantages of having magic beanstalk beans. Humpty-Dumpty's truth attempts to point out that not every tale is completely retold. 

Whether it is a frog activist or a princess/prince, or even C. C. Cecily... these letters and fairy land responses are sure to engage readers to write for clarifications or additional fairy tale truths...
May your reading be happily ever after,

Meet the Author:  

Richard Ellef Ayoade is a British comedian, film director, screenwriter, television presenter, actor, and author best known for his role as the socially awkward IT technician Maurice Moss in Channel 4 sitcom The IT Crowd, for which he won the 2014 BAFTA for Best Male Comedy Performance.

ISBN: 9781536234725
Publisher's Synopsis:
In an exciting wilderness adventure, 
three cousins are cut off from their parents by a huge earthquake—and must hike long and treacherous mountain trails back to safety, with only each other to rely on.

During a hiking trip with their parents in the mountains of California, cousins Owen, Vivian, and Amy are finally allowed to camp for one night at a little lake all on their own. But when a massive earthquake blocks their return path, there’s only one way the long way around, through a wilderness filled with fierce animals, raging rivers, unstable weather, and high passes. The hardest challenges the cousins face, however, are the troubles they’ve brought with bold Vivian’s fear of starting middle school and of changes she can’t control, Owen’s lingering emotional scars from a car accident, and Amy’s desire to live in stories rather than in boring regular life. Drawing on courage and humor, the cousins weather storms, make the most of dwindling rations, and face their deepest fears in order to bring each other safely home. This gripping contemporary novel from celebrated author Anne Nesbet is bursting with excitement, rich natural settings, and characters who will have readers rooting for them all the way.

"Before they could even think...
an even louder roar, a terrible shaking roar...
MrsK's Review: Gr.3-5 Reality Fiction/Adventure
How does your family outing stories... begin? For this cousin wilderness adventure, it begins with excited anticipation. While camping, they will have one day alone at a lake. Parents don't worry...
the adults will be staying at a lake close by.

Meet Vivian, she is preparing for middle school, and this grand adventure will be her chance to gain the confidence to face her fears.

Meet Amy, she is only eight and although she would rather stay close to the adults, she doesn't want to be considered "little" any longer.

Meet Owen, he is the girl's cousin. Even though his dad and aunt were raised having family trips to various parks, he isn't really a camper. Especially since the life-changing event that has caused such emotionally charged struggles. Yet, he has been delegated as the cousin chef. Why not try staying a night at a lake alone with his cousins.

Imagine being cozy within your tent after a day of being on a wilderness trek, you are finally snuggled into your sleeping bag and suddenly, there are "noises that shouldn't be happening, crashing and splashing noises." From the moment the cousins are awakened, nothing will be easy or the same. Will their individual strengths match their survival skills? Or could their food supply run out before they can be reunited with their parents? 

Every family adventure creates more than memories... skills are being modeled... books provide further discoveries and insights. Did you know that during the summer there is more water in a river in the afternoon because the snow way up high has been melting all day?

Enjoy this adventurous journey together, you never know when a camping skill might become a lifesaving reality, 
"All the cousins were very fond of maps...
Vivian liked them because they were a tool...
Amy, because some of the best books about magical journeys had maps...
Owen liked them because of the contour lines..."
Meet the Author:
Anne Nesbet’s novels for young readers are filled with adventure, friendship, and richly imagined worlds, both magical and historical. Her Cloud and Wallfish (Candlewick 2016), about children navigating the borders of East Berlin in 1989, won the California Book Award and was named an ALA Notable book, and her other novels have earned their share of honors and critical acclaim, too. Daring Darleen, Queen of the Screen (Candlewick 2020) received four starred reviews! When not writing novels for kids, Anne teaches film history, plays violin and viola, and goes on long hikes in the mountains. She reads while walking, by the way, which means she relies on echolocation (or chance) to avoid injury. She lives with her entertaining family and demanding dog in California.

ISBN: 9781250292773
Publisher's Synopsis:
It's been almost a year since Coyote and her dad left the road behind and settled down in a small Oregon town. . . time spent grieving the loss of her mom and sisters and trying to fit in at school. But just as life is becoming a new version of normal, Coyote discovers a box containing her mom’s ashes. And she thinks she might finally be ready to say goodbye.

So Coyote and her dad gear up for an epic cross-country road trip to scatter the ashes at her mom’s chosen resting place. The only problem? Coyote has no idea where that resting place is—and the secret’s hidden in a book that Coyote mistakenly sold last year, somewhere in the country. Now, it’s up to Coyote to track down the treasured book . . . without her dad ever finding out that it’s lost.

It’s time to fire up their trusty bus, Yager, pick up some old friends, discover some new ones, and hit the road on another unforgettable adventure.

"Sometimes stories start with a bang,
and sometimes stories start with a whisper,
and sometimes stories start with..."
MrsK's Review: 5-MS Reality Fiction
Since the Coyote and her father has "settled down from their road trip and into a house. "Coyote has been adjusting to a life in school, bullies, a school library refuge, and loneliness away from her "Yager" lifetime. 

Just when she was getting a comfortable routine with the one girl from the school, the librarian, and the library lunch retreats, Coyote discovers her mother's remains. Her life will once again need to "hit the road." She must locate a poetry book that her mother had written down where she wanted her ashes to be scattered. Of course, Covid 19's shut down is a welcome surprise. Not only will they be on a "Yager" road trip, but they can also pick up Coyote's best friend as they head off into an unknown destination.

The quest will be to locate where Coyote had traded used books from their last trip. Which bookstores has her mother's poetry book? How far will she go before her dad finds out the book is missing? To what level of desperation will Coyote be driven?

It is a delight to be on the road again in Yager, with Coyote, Rodeo, Salvador, and few new sojourners. Personalities are brilliantly lively, the quest is worthy and frustrating. The treasure chase for a lost book is enticing. Most importantly, will the consequences of deceptions be worth the journey?
"The funny thing about sadness, though, is that you can't
really run away from it. Not ever!"
Coyote's first Journey
Meet the Author:

Dan Gemeinhart lives in a small-town smack dab in the middle of Washington state with his wife and three young daughters. He was lucky and grateful to be a teacher-librarian in an elementary school for thirteen years, where he got to share awesome books with awesome kids. He loves camping, cooking and traveling. He also plays guitar (badly) and reads (constantly). His house is always a mess. He is really pretty darn happy.

ISBN: 9780593598856
Publisher's Synopsis:
Lucy Hart knows better than anyone what it’s like to grow up without parents who loved her. In a childhood marked by neglect and loneliness, Lucy found her solace in books, namely the Clock Island series by Jack Masterson. Now a twenty-six-year-old teacher’s aide, she is able to share her love of reading with bright, young students, especially seven-year-old Christopher Lamb, who was left orphaned after the tragic death of his parents. Lucy would give anything to adopt Christopher, but even the idea of becoming a family seems like an impossible dream without proper funds and stability.

But be careful what you wish for. . . .

Just when Lucy is about to give up, Jack Masterson announces he’s finally written a new book. Even better, he’s holding a contest at his home on the real Clock Island, and Lucy is one of the four lucky contestants chosen to compete to win the one and only copy.

For Lucy, the chance of winning the most sought-after book in the world means everything to her and Christopher. But first she must contend with ruthless book collectors, wily opponents, and the distractingly handsome (and grumpy) Hugo Reese, the illustrator of the Clock Island books. Meanwhile, Jack “the Mastermind” Masterson is plotting the ultimate twist ending that could change all their lives forever.
. . . You might just get it!

"Where are you going?
Five O'clock.
When will you be back?
By the lighthouse.
MrsK's Review: YA+ Playful Fantasy Fiction
According to the unique clock on Clock Island, not everything is as it appears. Jack Masterson is an author who owns an island. His children's book series has inspired many readers. Some have wished to be on Clock Island... some have even run away to the island. Yet, it's been years since Jack has published his 66th book.

When the publisher's decided to update the Clock series, they hired Hugo as the new series illustrator. The one condition, Hugo had to live on the island. Since Jack kept his rights to oversee the new illustrations, years went by without Jack writing a new story. Will Hugo leave Clock Island?

Lucy was one of the few "run-aways" to Clock Island. At twenty-six, she is currently working as a teachers-aide. One student suffered a nightmare at his home and needed a quick foster home. Lucy offered to look after Christopher. Her plans would be to adopt Christopher, but the authorities said she didn't have the funding to raise him in a steady home life. Is it by chance that the author of her favorite book series is offering a "Make a Wish" contest? Could she and Christopher finally be a forever family?

The contest was announced, a riddle had to be solved in order to gain an invitation to Clock Island and the contest.
"Why is a raven like a writing desk?"
Only four contestants were chosen, of course all four had been "run-aways."  Noone knew the contest rules, yet all were sent the invitations, and the media circuit was going crazy over the prize, which of course would be the unpublished sixty-seventh book. "The game is a foot..."

Delightfully crafted. Characters aren't always what they seem. Riddles are frustrating. Facing ones' fears is a finale option,
"The only wishes ever granted..."

Meet the Author:

Meg Shaffer is the USA Today bestselling author of The Lost Story and The Wishing Game, which was a Book of the Month finalist for Book of the Year, a Reader’s Digest and Washington Post Best Book of the Year and has been translated into 21 languages. Meg holds an MFA in TV and Screenwriting from Stephens College. She lives in Kentucky.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Wintery Reading Reviews for K-YA Readers


Grab a cup of cocoa... a quilt... and curl up for
moments of 
Grades 2-3:
Kate DiCamillo
ISBN: 9781536223316
Publisher's Synopsis:
At the Hotel Balzaar, Marta’s mother rises before the sun, puts on her uniform, and instructs Marta to roam as she will but quietly, invisibly—like a little mouse. While her mother cleans rooms, Marta slips down the back staircase to the grand lobby to chat with the bellman, study the painting of an angel’s wing over the fireplace, and watch a cat chase a mouse around the face of the grandfather clock, all the while dreaming of the return of her soldier father, who has gone missing. One day, a mysterious countess with a parrot check-in, promising a story—in fact, seven stories in all, each to be told in its proper order. As the stories unfold, Marta begins to wonder: could the secret to her father’s disappearance lie in the countess’s tales? Book two in a trio of novellas bound by place and mood—with elegant line art by Júlia Sardà—The Hotel Balzaar masterfully juggles yearning and belief, shining light into every dark corner.
"... my little ray of light."
MrsK's Review:
Meet Marta, a young girl who lives in an attic room of the Hotel Balzaar. Her father has gone missing in the war and her mother is working at the famous Balzaar hotel, in which Marta cannot be in the lobby or talking to the staff. Not only is Marta very lonely, but she is also longing for her father to come and worried that he might not know where they have moved. There isn't much to do at a hotel, quietly looking at a painting or watching an extraordinary clock does pass the time when the days seem long.

On a cloudy and gray day, an old woman enters the lobby. Meet the Countess who uses a cane, can demand the hotel to provide their best room, and has a parrot named Blitzkoff. Can you imagine a parrot on your shoulder? The countess sees Marta hiding behind a lobby plant and invites her to come to room 314. What might the countess teach Marta? Will she let her talk with her parrot? Marta has been told never to be seen or talk with anyone at the hotel, and yet, the countess has invited Marta to stop by her room.

As the tale unfolds, Marta discovers that the countess has seven stories to share with Marta. Stories that are intriguing, stories that must be told in order, stories that Marta will think about until the next day. 

Within the weaving of these seven Norendy tales, many wonders become enchanting. Layers of imagination... fascinating intrigue... and possible truths unfolding,

Meet the Author:
    Kate DiCamillo, the newly named National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature for 2014–2015, says about stories, “When we read together, we connect. Together, we see the world. Together, we see one another.” Born in Philadelphia, the author lives in Minneapolis, where she faithfully writes two pages a day, five days a week.

Kate DiCamillo's own journey is something of a dream come true. After moving to Minnesota from Florida in her twenties, homesickness and a bitter winter helped inspire Because of Winn-Dixie - her first published novel, which, remarkably, became a runaway bestseller and snapped up a Newbery Honor. "After the Newbery committee called me, I spent the whole day walking into walls," she says. "I was stunned. And very, very happy."

Grades 3-5:
ISBN: 9781536230888
Publisher's Synopsis:
Since Grandpa died, Dally’s days are dull and restricted. She’s eleven and a half years old, and her exacting single mother is already grooming her to take over the family business. Starved for adventure and release, Dally rescues a mysterious envelope from her mother’s clutches, an envelope Grandpa had earmarked for her. The map she finds inside leads straight to an ancient vault, a library of secrets where each book is a portal to a precise moment in time. As Dally “checks out” adventure after adventure—including an exhilarating outing with pirates—she begins to dive deep into her family’s hidden history. Soon she’s visiting every day to escape the demands of the present. But the library has secrets of its own, intentions that would shape her life as surely as her mother’s meticulous plans. What will Dally choose? Equal parts mystery and adventure—with a biracial child puzzling out her identity alongside the legacy of the past—this masterful middle-grade fantasy rivets with crackling prose, playful plot twists, and timeless themes. A satisfying choice for fans of Kindred and When You Reach Me.

"My dearest Dally-bird... I know your eager heart... the map
is for you and you alone... it is our final shared secret..."
MrsK's Review:
Meet Dally, a young girl who is determined to discover her Grandpa's secrets. Her family's heritage business is currently managed by her mother. Her mother is determined that Dally will be the next CEO, which means that Dally hasn't experienced any grand adventures since her Grandpa's death. It was her grandpa who recognized Dally's loneliness, as well as encouraged her spirited imagination with daily outings beyond her schooling and business classes. What does Dally need now that her days are regimented? With a mysterious envelope, a map that leads to a secret library, Dally's future will be forever changed.

Through the halls of Peteharrington, Dally bravely picks the lock and enters her Grandpa's study. To Dally these were "extenuating circumstances," in which she needed to locate the letter that Grandpa wanted her to have when she turned twenty-one. Being eleven and a half was only a minor challenge. Granpa knew all the stumbling blocks that Dally experienced, as well as how she didn't fit into this world, he would have been her much needed adventure guide... if he were still alive.

Grandpa's map would lead her the "X marks the spot," the TSL! Dally knew the days of dullness and predictability were over. Patience wasn't a virtue she had, yet, with Grandpa's map a new adventure was about to begin.
 "Everyone who finds the library...
is meant to be here."
Meet Jennacake, she is the librarian of secrets. She will be the guardian who will help Dally navigate the books of secrets. The books will provide travels to the moment that a secret was revealed, shared, or occurred. Once someone enters the pages... the adventures begins. Reader's must be mindful of the white fog for it will be a boundary within the journey. Only one secret can be read per visit, and the reading must be within one of the many reading rooms.

Dally's adventures began with little secrets that had something to do with her daily life, school, and the current past of her mother and father. But... then a chosen secret would mean she had to dress for a time in the past. 1850 is a vastly different life, especially if you've just arrived aboard a two-masted ship!

Meet Jack, he has been aboard the ship with Captain Eli and the first mate Pete since their last sail. Pirate life isn't necessarily what Dally had previously read about. There is so much more to being on a ship in the 1800's in comparison to when she was in the sailboat with Grandpa. There would be life-threatening storms, treasure under the sea, maps to be coded, the possibility of a hang-man's noose, and of course resilience to continue reading the various books of secrets.

With many twists and turns in the plot, this story is woven with adventurous threads of past lives, self-discoveries, and life changers. Characters are decisively crafted. Social acceptance is intricately woven into surprising realizations. Don't expect an ending in which a reader might "foresee" a prediction...

Meet the Author:
   Kekla Magoon writes novels and nonfiction books for children and teens, often on themes of identity, community, empowerment and social justice. Acclaimed titles include The Season of Styx Malone, The Rock and the River, How It Went Down, and Revolution in Our Time: The Black Panther Party’s Promise to the People.

Kekla received the 2021 Margaret A. Edwards Award, a body of work recognition for her significant and lasting contribution to young adult literature. She is also a recipient of the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award, a Michael L. Printz Honor, four Coretta Scott King Honors, two Walter Award Honors, and an NAACP Image Award, in addition to being a finalist for the National Book Award.  
Grades 4+:
ISBN: 9780593315712
Publisher's Synopsis:
Reporter Vera Vixen is a relative newcomer to Shady Hollow. The fox has a nose for news, so when she catches wind that the death might be a murder, she resolves to get to the bottom of the case, no matter where it leads. As she stirs up still waters, the fox exposes more than one mystery and discovers that additional lives are in jeopardy.

Vera finds more to this town than she ever suspected. It seems someone in the Hollow will do anything to keep her from solving the murder, and soon it will take all of Vera's cunning and quickness to crack the case.
"Shady Hollow is a tale of woodland creatures... welcome...
Up in the far north, lies a small village..."
MrsK's Review:
Meet Otto (as a reader I find him to be much more than an average toad), to be sure he is cranky and cantankerous. He lives in a mud hut at the pond. Why might you wonder is a toad important... well he is the mystery.

Of course, within the village, you will become a type of visitor at all of the quaint businesses. You'll meet the owner of the Von Beaverpelt Sawmill and some of its workers (beavers, muskrats, woodchucks, mice, rabbits, sparrows, and minks). You'll stop at Joe's Mug where you can get your morning cup of Joe and learn a thing or two. There's always news being discussed around town thanks to the Shady Hollow Herald. At the Goody Crow's Restful Home for the Aged Creatures, you will meet Ruby who just isn't getting enough sleep. If you are a reader, like most of us, your first destination should be Nevermore Books where Lenore will deliver the perfect read for anyone seeking a new journey. For a tasty vegetarian dish, stop by the Bamboo Patch, Panda Sun Li will be thrilled to meet you.

On a late August morning, Gladys Honeysuckle was flying to work at the Herald. Unfortunately, this morning would prove to be the worst of her flights. There he was, floating in the middle of the mill pond. When she arrives at the Herald, Vera Vixen is already at work. Vera did not expect to start her day with the task of quieting a "weeping and hysterical hummingbird!" Once Vera visits the pond to verity the scene, she heads to the station to report what Gladys saw (or rather snoop to scoop her byline).  Chief Meade is not at work and Deputy Orville Braun will investigate with Vera close behind.

I will not spill the beans; this is a mystery with more than one murder, suspects galore, and the most delightful "red-herrings" to intrigue every arm-chair detective, enjoy for there are more mysteries to unravel in this series,

Meet the Authors:
 Juneau Black is the pen name of authors Jocelyn Cole and Sharon Nagel. They share a love of excellent bookshops, fine cheeses, and a good murder (in fictional form only). Though they are two separate people, if you ask either of them a question about their childhood, you are likely to get the same answer. This is a little unnerving for any number of reasons. Sharon lives in Wisconsin 🧀, where she works as a librarian. Jocelyn lives in the city-state of Philadelphia 🥨, where she also writes romance as Elizabeth Cole.

Seasoned Readers YA:
ISBN: 9780316481014
Publisher's Synopsis:
Welcome to the Grandest Game, an annual competition run by billionaire Avery Grambs and the four infamous Hawthorne brothers, whose family fortune she inherited. Designed to give anyone a shot at fame and fortune, this year’s game requires one of seven golden tickets to enter. With millions on the line, those seven players will do whatever it takes to win.

Some of the players are in it for the money. Some for power. Some for reasons all their own. Every single one of them has secrets. Amidst it all is Grayson Hawthorne, tasked with a vital role in this year’s game. But as tensions rise and the mind-bending challenges push the players to their limits—physically, mentally, and emotionally—it soon becomes clear that not everyone is playing by the rules.

MrsK's Review:
Avery inherited a vast estate, including the heirs known as the Hawthorne brothers. At first her required quest for a surprise inheritance lead into her own game of wits, twists and turns, reliance's and conspirators. Now she has created the second annual competition in which seven will arrive at a secluded Hawthorne Island for the grandest game of their life.

What is known is that the winner will win fame and fortune. What is needed is strength, endurance, talents for "brain-bending" puzzles, and the courage to remain centered during extreme conditions. This year's players have been invited. They have an experienced connection with either Avery or the Hawthorne brothers in one way or another. They will all be expected to win or leave the game!

Are you ready for the grandest game? Have you been following Avery, her inheritance and her Hawthorne co-inheritors? Have you the desire to invest in a game that requires more than courage? Are you a reader who enjoys unraveling puzzling plots?

There are not enough ways for a book reviewer to express the enjoyment of a book worth experiencing. What I can express is that Jennifer Lynn Barnes has not disappointed her readers with this series. She has crafted five characters in which any reader will "hunger" for more adventures. The woven threads of plot twists, puzzling quests, and magnificent settings are tantalizing bits of exquisite word play.
Enjoy this masterly crafted journey, pages will be turned swiftly, and characters will become "booked" friends forever...

Meet the Author:

Jennifer Lynn Barnes (who mostly goes by Jen) was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She has been, in turn, a competitive cheerleader, a volleyball player, a dancer, a debutante, a primate cognition researcher, a teen model, a comic book geek, and a lemur aficionado. She's been writing for as long as she can remember, finished her first full book (which she now refers to as a "practice book" and which none of you will ever see) when she was still in high school, and then wrote Golden the summer after her freshman year in college, when she was nineteen. Jen graduated high school in 2002, and from Yale University with a degree in cognitive science (the study of the brain and thought) in May of 2006.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

MrsK's 2024 Holiday Picks for Seasoned Readers

Season's Blessings
ISBN: 9781962377218
Publisher's Synopsis:
Amelia Hutchinson can’t seem to find her place in the world. Or maybe she’s just watched too many Christmas Hallmark movies. But come on, how come Aurora Teagarden and Hallie Dean get more exciting careers and all Amelia gets to be is a mail carrier? Not to mention, she’s living in her sister and brother-in-law’s guest house and the only man she could find was one who didn’t appreciate the purity ring her daddy gave her.

Rayce Jasper just wants to sell his late granddad’s farm and throw away the painful past that comes with it as soon as possible. But the memories of the man who betrayed him, a ditzy mail lady, and a strange request put a kink in his agenda.

As Rayce’s and Amelia’s worlds collide, neither of them can deny that God must be weaving His own Christmas story for the two of them.

MrsK's Review:
Meet Amelia, a mail lady who had one of those moments in which what should have been a mundane event turned into a momentous "trajectory" change in her life. It all began when she was delivering her last package at an old farmhouse in Shelbyville. The delivery to a Mr. Rayce Jasper would prove to be one of the most heart stopping moments of her life.

Rayce is a copywriter who is notified that he is now the last of his bloodline. His granddad's estate is now his to clean up and get on the market. The last thing he expected on that October day was an attack on a mail lady by his "sweet" Cane Corso. That's all he needed was a possible lawsuit.

As an inspired mystery sleuth, Amelia couldn't let the encounter pass. While at the local library, she discovered a 2004 suspicious headline about a death at the Jasper Farm. Who was Bruce Benton? Why after all this time had Rayce moved into the old farmhouse? Why was he at the library while she was investigating his family?

With a plan in place, Amelia begins her "further" investigation by making a deal with Rayce. She would help him clean out his grandad's farmhouse if he would help train a puppy for her niece. Will Amelia solve the mystery of the farmhouse death... or does she embrace the pivotal reality... that some moments in life are really God's unexpected grace?

This short novella, was an unexpected reader delight. The characters are well crafted with an endearing capacity to entice an afternoon curled up with a holiday retreat. The conversations are humorous and engaging. The story line, well, is there anything more enjoyable than an old farmhouse with a library filled with first editions or a mysterious romance? This is a keeper, if you have family, friends, or a book club this is the book to pass around for your holiday read!

Meet the Author:

Award-winning author Jennifer Sienes holds a bachelor’s in psychology and a master’s in education but discovered life-experience is the best teacher. She loves Jesus, romance, and writing—and puts it altogether in inspirational fiction. Two of the three novels in her Apple Hill Series (set in Northern California) were inspired by actual events. Her Southern fiction Bedford County Series is set in Tennessee where she now resides with her real-life hero (and husband).

ISBN: 9781737485513
Publisher's Synopsis:
It’s Christmas Eve in the small foothill Village of Shiloh.
A father retells the miraculous story that no one will ever forget.
A group of young boys lost in a powerful storm
fight to survive on that glorious night. 
The incredible chance encounter with a kind stranger, may be their only hope..
This award-winning book chronicles the spiritual journey of these children.
The lessons learned, the gift received and the lives that were changed.
MrsK's Review:
Meet Stephanie a bright and charming 10-year-old who is excited about preparing for the Christmas celebration. Her family lives in a cabin in Shiloh. On this Christmas eve, Stephanie is getting a cup of cocoa and a blanket to join dad for a moment before the town's celebration. Her sister, Jessica, is preparing for her first date to the Annual Christmas Eve Celebration on Faith Hill. Her mother is baking the blueberry pie for the evening's gathering. Everyone is feeling joyous anticipation and for a brief moment in time, Stephanie and her dad are enjoying a quiet time together.
"The sparkling lights were reflections of the evening's first winter stars."
With cocoa in hand, Stephanie asks her dad how the mountain became Faith Hill. And so, the story unfolds...

Two towns, six boys, and a Nor'easter blizzard. Forty years ago, Shiloh had "suffered" a devastating drought into winter. On Christmas Eve there arose two decisive plans in bringing a Christmas tree of hope to the town of Shiloh. The result of that evening became known as the "True meaning of Christmas." Seeds of faith were planted within the hearts of both towns (Joshua 1:9).

This Christmas tale is wonderous story of giving and helping others. The masterful storytelling about Faith Hill and it's two townships is woven with a purity within a period of time that has gotten lost in today's commercialized celebrations of Christmas. This novella is a perfect read-aloud for all ages. The journey of the boys, the town's committed search, and the message of hope is felt in those moments on Faith Hill in the bitter cold. The glory of the quest becomes the lesson of those who experienced the true meaning of Christmas.

Create a new Christmas tradition... bake a blueberry pie... make hot cocoa... gather some quilts... and settle in for a "read-aloud" moment in time...
Blessings to all,

Meet the Author:

Dan Petronelli was born and raised in Brockton, Massachusetts. He currently divides his time with his wife between West Bridgewater, Massachusetts, and Stuart, Florida.
He is a strong member of his local community and has served as a Christian worship leader.  Home - The Seed of Faith Christmas Story

Dan Petronelli participated in Smith Magazine’s Six-Word Memoir contest, and his memoir was selected and later published by HarperCollins.

When not with his family and friends, he can be found on the first tee … asking for another mulligan.
Dan found a message in a bottle when he was a young boy tinkering on a rocky shoreline. It was a profound spiritual message that he has kept and still treasures today.

This inspired story was written as a cherished Christmas gift for his family, and it is his hope that the SEED OF FAITH will also bring joy and continue to grow in the hearts of readers around the world.

Meet the Artist:
Emily Pritchett
has loved both drawing pictures and reading books since she was a little kid, so she has combined her two passions into illustrating books for young readers. She has now illustrated ten books, including three Christmas stories! Her favorite holiday memories are of building the artificial Christmas tree, branch by branch, and decorating it with her family. Emily studied illustration at Brigham Young University and now lives in Boston with her husband and son. She misses the mountains of Utah but still enjoys the snowy winters!

Family Read-Alouds:

MrsK's Review:
Since 1997, this delightful "sing a-long" version of a Christmas carol has delighted many of the learners within my home, classrooms, and or library story time. Lisa's whimsical creatures portray the hi-lights of the season... the fun of sledding in a "one-squirrel" open sleigh. Those precious giggles will jiggle your heart with joy.

MrsK's Review:     
It's Christmas Eve and all should be asleep... yet there are those who would try to trap Santa! Seriously, who would want to set traps? Unfortunately, in this story those un-named children have decided this year to try to get Santa's elf instead. Even though this story will bring much delight, I feel the stress of the catastrophic dishevel within each home is most disconcerting Warning for the adult reading this story aloud... closing one eye will alleviate half of your stress!

MrsK's Review: Snow falling is one of the most delightful moments in any classroom.
So much joy, excitement, and peace-filled environments. It seems that those flakes dancing through their journey to the ground inspires childhood memories to become playful once more. Grab the paper, scissors, and tape... create uniquely beautiful snowflakes for your windows... enjoy these treasured moments.

 MrsK's Review:
On the first day... It wasn't until I was at our school's Holiday concert that I realized the joy of this agitating classic. The parents were given the "privilege" of the 5 golden rings... the gym was transformed into one the most hysterical sing-alongs. Give it a try and have fun around your holiday this year!

 MrsK's Review:   Much has been portrayed about the yearly Christmas tree. Whether it's a memory, the adventure of seeking the perfect tree, the stress until the tree is standing straight in the stand and the lights have been strung, or the sigh when the top must be removed for the elegance of a bought "tree-topper," all is not in vain... nope. In fact, in this story that top gets shared in many other homes. This classic tale is a merry-making delight as you read... pause... predict.... and turn its pages.

 MrsK's Review: 
The moment I heard this story on the radio... I was caught up in the delightful melody... 
the unforgettable zip! ...pop! ... and whir!
This song brings a delight that lasts for generations.
 MrsK's Review:
It's the night before Christmas when nothing on the farm is stirring not even the... duck!
Silly duck, now the whole barnyard is in a ruckus and Santa will soon be there!
Warning... there will be giggles... shout-outs... groans... and moans. 

   MrsK's Review:    
Meet Humphrey... he is one sad, sad, sad camel who has lost his
"beauteous" and glorious carpet. As he journeys to a city called Bethlehem,
he becomes uncomfortable carrying the three burdensome chests.
And then... when the traveling kings stop at a stable... 
a Beauteous and Glorious moment happens.

 MrsK's Review:
In a snowy New England village there are two elf stowaways from the
North Pole. Mischief and mayhem begins up on a roof top...
and with a wink of his eye...
all will know there is nothing to dread!

Blessings for a season of Joy!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

K-8 Back to School Discoveries

ISBN: 9781536233568
Publisher's Synopsis:
Who is Madame Badobedah? Mabel sets out to prove that an eccentric new hotel guest is really a supervillain in this witty storybook about an intergenerational friendship.

There's a strange new guest at the Mermaid Hotel -- a very old lady with a growly voice, bags stuffed with jewelry and coins and curiosities, and a beady-eyed pet tortoise. Mabel, whose parents run the hotel, is suspicious. Who is this "Madame Badobedah" (it rhymes with "Oo la la") who has come to stay indefinitely and never has any visitors? To find out, Mabel puts on her spy costume and observes the new guest. Conclusion? She must be a secret supervillain hiding out from the law. The grown-ups think Madame Badobedah is a bit rude -- and sad -- but when she invites "dahlink" Mabel for a cup of forbidden tea and a game of pirates, the two begin a series of imaginary adventures together, and Mabel realizes that first impressions can sometimes be very wrong.

"Adventure is worthwhile in itself."
Amelia Earhart
MrsK's Review: 
Meet Mabel who is a self-proclaimed "Adventurer."  She lives at the Mermaid Hotel because her mom and dad are the managers. Her job is to "watch" their guests, so many avenues for discussions, to learn secrets, as well as have an adventure or two!

Meet Madame Badobedah the oldest, "best-ever" guest. She loves sweets, building sandcastles, and traveling the world. Yet, at the Mermaid Hotel, Madame Badobedah has had no visitors. On Saturdays, Madame B and Mabel try their luck larking on the beach or at the river. 

Whether treasure is found on a beach, river, or in Madame's closet, or her dressing table with 507 drawers... there will be great discovers and grand adventures within the covers of this delightful picture book. An excellent read aloud for discovering new research projects.

Meet the Author:


Sophie Dahl (born Sophie Holloway) is an English author, cookbook writer and former model. She was born in London, the daughter of actor Julian Holloway and writer Tessa Dahl. Her maternal grandparents were author Roald Dahl and actress Patricia Neal. Her paternal grandfather was actor Stanley Holloway. She was the inspiration for Sophie, the main character in her maternal grandfather's book The BFG.

Multi-Cultural Discoveries

Johanna Ho
ISBN: 9780063320277
Publisher's Synopsis:
A young Asian girl notices that her eyes look different from her peers'. They have big, round eyes and long lashes. She realizes that her eyes are like her mother’s, her grandmother's, and her little sister's. They have eyes that kiss in the corners and glow like warm tea, crinkle into crescent moons, and are filled with stories of the past and hope for the future. Drawing from the strength of these powerful women in her life, she recognizes her own beauty and discovers a path to self-love and empowerment.

"My eyes crinkle into crescent moons...
carrying tales of the past and hope for the future."
MrsK's Review: Read Aloud
Beautifully woven story about a young girl who values her family and the world around her. This brief journey into the heart ignites a youthful look at the blessings that we can find that are unique to our heritage. In a poetic verse are threads of love, beauty, strength, and hope... such an endearing and yet simple belief that our hearts can recognize, celebrate, and stand alongside of the valued sentiment of life. A must for librarians, educators, and homeschoolers.

Meet the Author:
   Joanna Ho Bradshaw is the author of Eyes that Kiss in the Corners (HarperCollins, Jan 2021), Playing at the Border: A Story of Yo-Yo Ma (HarperCollins, Fall 2021), and One Day (Winter 2023). She is a writer and educator with a passion for anti-bias, anti-racism and equity work. She holds a BA in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, and a master’s from the Principal Leadership Institute at Berkeley. She has been an English teacher, a dean, the designer of an alternative-to-prison program, and a professional development mastermind. She is currently the vice principal of a high school in the Bay Area, where she survives on homemade chocolate chip cookies, outdoor adventures, and dance parties with her kids.
Malala Yousafzai
Publisher's Synopsis:
As a child in Pakistan, Malala made a wish for a magic pencil. She would use it to make everyone happy, to erase the smell of garbage from her city, to sleep an extra hour in the morning. But as she grew older, Malala saw that there were more important things to wish for. She saw a world that needed fixing. And even if she never found a magic pencil, Malala realized that she could still work hard every day to make her wishes come true. Nobel Peace Prize winner and New York Times bestselling author Malala Yousafzai's first picture book, inspired by her own childhood.

MrsK's Review: Read Aloud
What would you do with a magic pencil? Could you erase what was painful or draw that which you didn't have? In this "child" voiced collection of hopes, dreams, and hardships there is an inner heart that is beating a rhythm for opportunities unrestricted. A purity of common-sense justice and freedom that every child born should be provided. This eloquent story of the world's view must be experienced within our schools, homes, and churches. Bridging the gap between cultures has a courageous healing power for our next generation!

Meet the Author:

Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate. She is known for human rights advocacy, especially education of women in her native Swat Valley in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, northwest Pakistan, where the local Taliban had at times banned girls from attending school. Her advocacy has since grown into an international movement.

Matt Tavares
ISBN: 9780763641375
Publisher's Synopsis:
Oliver Hall loves baseball. He loves the ritual of helping out in his grandfather’s store, Hall’s Nostalgia, and he loves listening to Grandpa Hall’s innumerable baseball stories. But one day, Oliver makes a startling discovery. It seems his grandfather has kept one very special story as his own. With stunning black-and-white and sepia-tone illustrations and a heartwarming narrative, Matt Tavares portrays one man’s lifelong love of the game, and the enduring legacy he passes on to his grandchild.

MrsK's Review: Home Teams
Oliver loves Hall's Nostalgia, listening to his Grandpa's stories, baseball and the Cubs! When a customer requests an item, Oliver is sent to Granpa's storage closet. What he discovers will lead him to a discovery that he never imagined. In 1941 the Cubs were getting ready to play the Cardinals. While the Cubs were practicing,.. a game of stickball was being played outside of his Grandpa's home. What became a homerun led to once in a lifetime invitation. Yet, there was an important world event that changed the course of so many lives... America was at war!

The beauty of generational stories is what leads the next generation forward. For a time, such as this, a story of baseball could provide a thread to the weaving of a family's tapestry of life. What better journey could a Read Aloud provide?

Meet the Author:

Meet Matt Tavares: For his senior thesis project, Matt wrote and illustrated a story called Sebastian's Ball, which eventually became Zachary's Ball, Matt's first published picture book. Zachary's Ball went on to win a Massachusetts Book Award Honor and was named one of Yankee Magazine's 40 Classic New England Children's Books.

Since then, Matt has published eighteen more books and has won several awards, including three Parents' Choice Gold Awards, an Orbis Pictus Honor, and two ALA Notable books. His artwork has been exhibited at the Museum of American Illustration, the Brandywine River Museum, and the Mazza Museum of Picture Book Art.

When Matt's not working in his studio on his latest book project, he travels the country speaking (and drawing) at schools, libraries, conferences, and bookstores. He has presented at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Eric Carle Museum, the White House Easter Egg Roll, and he's even done a few book signings at Fenway Park. Matt lives in Maine with his wife, Sarah, and their two daughters.

ISBN: 9781737868415
Publishers Synopsis:
Why America Matters is a children's book about the Judeo-Christian values of America and its founding, and the importance of the Four Pillars of the American Cornerstone Institute: Faith, Liberty, Community, Life. Through rhymes and colorful illustrations, readers understand how our founding values continue with today's patriotic Americans.

"Does America Matter?"
MrsK's Review: 
It is with great hope that I've included this "much needed" American read-aloud. In a time, such as this, our young learners must have a grounding about our country. Dr. Carson has created America's story into an accessible understanding about the values that laid the foundation of our Constitution, Bill of Rights, National Holidays, and our American Symbols. Our American Story cannot be told without the common thread of values. Faith, liberty, community, and life are the essence of our Nation. Most 4th of July parades remind us about the hope, the value of life, and the essential "to-die-for" liberties that each generation before us protected. America didn't become a great nation without the values that mattered most in the hearts of the United States citizens. It's time for us to plant seeds about our Nation's goodness and truth about that which America changed.

Meet the Author:
Benjamin Solomon "Ben" Carson, Sr., M.D. is an American neurosurgeon and the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States by President George W. Bush in 2008.

ISBN: 9781728259536
Publisher's Synopsis:
Crack the codes. Find the treasure. Escape the house. From the acclaimed author of Scritch Scratch and What Lives in the Woods comes a action-packed adventure novel about three friends who team up to find a hidden treasure in an abandoned 1950's funhouse. Twelve-year-old Sarah Greene wants nothing more from her seventh-grade year than to beat the hardest escape room left in her town with her best friends, West, and Hannah. But when a foreclosure notice shows up on Sarah's front door, everything changes. Since her father became ill two years ago, things have been bad, but not lose your house bad...until now. Sarah feels helpless until the day Hannah mentions a treasure rumored to be hidden in the walls of an abandoned funhouse. According to legend, Hans, Stefan, and Karl Stein were orphaned at eight years old and lived with different families until they were able to reunite as adults. Their dream was to build the most epic funhouse in existence. They wanted their experience to be more than mirror mazes and optical illusions, so they not only created elaborate riddles and secret passages, but they also claimed to have hidden a treasure inside the funhouse. Once in, Sarah, West, and Hannah realize the house is unlike any escape room they've attempted. There are challenges, yes, but they feel personal. Like the triplets knew who would get in. It seems impossible, but so does everything about the house. As soon as they're in she immediately worries that attempting the funhouse is a bad idea, but Sarah has no choice but to continue, since her future is at stake.

MrsK's Review: Gr5-8 Mystery
Meet the Delta's, Sarah, West, and Hannah middle school friends who seek the thrill of breaking through the Locked Rooms in their area's Escape Rooms. Knowing which clues will unlock the escape room in record time is what the Deltas have been "honing" since the first room they went to. To be on the board as an "escape master" is worth every moment of trials and error. 

Escape rooms isn't just solving a mystery by locating clues... lasers can set off alarms or unlock doors. Moving quickly almost always creates chaos. 

When Sarah's dad becomes bedridden, her family makes do, at least until the eviction notice is delivered. Has something terrible turned into a "quest" to find a solution that removes all the pain? Well, that's exactly what happens for Sarah. 

In an escape room, everyone's strengths must be "honed" to exact precision. Hannah has balance and an adventurous spirit without fear.  West has the wisdom of deciphering riddles, as well as excellent recall, his ability to recall also means that he has many moments of "random" facts because everything he sees is etched in his memory. Sarah knows numbers, patterns, and that there is only one right answer in solving any puzzle.

In an abandoned house, in which every room is a new puzzle, will the Delta's find the hidden treasure? Can Sarah save their home and remain living in their town? Will they survive or die like the legend suggests? Delta's don't give up!

I don't know if you've been an Escape Room, but I know that this book will provide much needed experience in how to look for clues, how "not" to be too focused on time and more focused on what the room is hiding... with plenty of "twists & turns," this book is one that keeps you reading beyond the end of a chapter...
Meet the Author:


Lindsay Currie is a NYT and USA Today bestselling author of mysteries for young readers. Her most recent titles are It Found Us and The Mystery of Locked Rooms. She grew up on Nancy Drew and loves a good mystery. Bonus points if it's spooky! When she's not writing, Lindsay can generally be found looking for an adventure of her own. She loves researching the forgotten history in her city, Chicago, taking long walks with her family, and as pretty much everyone knows . . . Disney World!

ISBN: 9781338166361
Publisher's Synopsis:
The follow-up to the bestselling hit Study Hall of Justice! Clark Kent is thrilled when he receives an invite to a spring break academic retreat. After taking down the villains of Ducard Academy the previous year, going back to life on the farm was a bit dull. Better yet, his friends Bruce and Diana have been invited there, too! What better way to spend spring break than with old friends (Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn) and new ones like Arthur Curry (Aquaman), Barry Allen (the Flash), and Vic Stone (Cyborg)?

When Clark arrives at Camp Evergreen he makes new friends, reconnects with old ones, and nothing seems weird at all! Well, that is until kids start disappearing... One by one... Plus, there's a lake monster, bigfoot has been spotted, there are reports of a boogeyman, and there may or may not be a UFO crashed into the lake. Clark, Bruce, and Diana will have to re-assemble the Junior Detective - er- Criminal Investigation Unit, in an all-new, supernatural adventure!

"It would be a crime not to join us..."
MrsK's Review: GN Grades 2-3+
When the young Clark Kent gets an invitation to the Evergreen Adventure Camp, he isn't that thrilled since he never has attended a camp before. His academic scores provided this camp experience for spring break. Now that CK has accepted the invite, he learns that many of those with special identities will be there as well. Will the camp be worth a week of his time, or will it be a rotten week in nature without his cell phone.

Superheroes aren't always those who "go along" with the rules. Even though they might be... well, super intelligent... they aren't necessarily ready for camp leaders who do not answer their questions. The daily routines, the friendly competition, the prescribed activities, and the mysterious disappearance of campers.

If a book could be a surprise, this is the one for every DC comic fan. Filled with journal entries, great black/white sketches, humorous discussions, as well as... a mystery to solve! Every reader knows the thrill of a "page-turner," usually your heart races and you just can't quit reading. What if a page-turner is such a fun experience that you don't want it to end? 

I'm so excited to share this with my grands & great-grands... and every learner... educator... and parent...
Check it out... give it as a gift... just don't let it leave your personal library... it's a keeper!

Meet the Author:
 Derek Fridolfs has worked professionally as a writer, inker, cover & sequential artist for DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, Boom, IDW, and a majority of comic companies the past 20 years.
#1 New York Times Best Selling Writer for the DC Secret Hero Society book series through SCHOLASTIC. And Eisner Nominated co-writer of Batman: Li'l Gotham at DC.

He's also written for such titles as Adventure Time, Regular Show, Clarence, Looney Tunes, Scooby-Doo, Teen Titans Go! Dexter's Laboratory, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The New Animated Adventures, Batman Arkham City, Batman Arkham Unhinged, Adventures of Superman, Sensation Comics Wonder Woman, Justice League Beyond and many more.
MrsK's Review: Family Read-Alouds (all ages)
Kirk Cameron
"As seasons change, you will grow."
As You Grow: ISBN: 9781955550291
Wonderfully crafted quick statements about growing up to be the best you can be. With truthful wisdom, this story unfolds with topics for discussions, such as: kindness; brokenness; courage; compassion; gentleness and generosity. Simple sentences are supported with delightful illustrations by Juan Moreno. This a must read-aloud at home... in the classroom... and at library Storytimes.

"When you aren't being a great friend... what should you do?"
Pride Comes Before the Fall: ISBN: 9781955550390
 Valor is the best athlete, yet when he gets to the Great Raka Rapid Race, everyone already has a partner. Why wouldn't the others be excited to be his partner? Right before the race begins, Kevin showed up without a partner. Valor can't believe that Kevin would become his partner choice, it wouldn't matter anyway since it's his strength that will win the race... or so Valor thought. Valor will learn that everyone has unique strengths. This river race is enhanced with authentically comical illustrations by Steve Crespo. Get ready for the thrill of a "ride" into pure fun!

These books are well crafted, beautiful-engaging illustrations, exceptional story lines, as well as educating/reinforcing character strengths, values, weaknesses, and truths. These titles are a must for families who have story time as a treasured priority. Any Grandparent, Aunt, or Uncle should gift these books for birthdays, Christmas, or at Easter. For educators and homeschoolers, it is so important to have books that will engage and educate the strengths of a learner's character... please consider these well-crafted stories. Find out more at this link

MrsK's Reading Bio

Reading is important! No questions asked, not even a blink of the eye from any student I grew up with. On the first day of the First grade, we were given our first books. Day two we all read aloud, round robin of course. Day three we were place in our first basal, now known as a lit circle group. Books were so important, publishers designed new curriculum so that every student was reading by the end of the first week. These early readers had images that looked like what we could see in the classroom, beyond the classroom, even on the big screen. Reading is important, throughout history every generation has believed that “Reading” opens up the world for endless possibilities.

I adore the 1950’s Dick and Jane books. Actually, most reading specialists and experienced (45+) educators believe that every student learned to read with Dick and Jane. Since these books are being re-issued, I have heard many parents, grandparents, and students claim that Dick and Jane stories of repetition does teach students to read.

Early influences from my mother influenced my desire to read. I would watch her read and we would go on “secret” excursions to the library. The library became my playground. I owned every book I could carry home, of course they needed to be taken back to their home after visiting with me for a week or two. My first book that I could pull off of the library shelf and read was, Father Bear Comes Home. I only saw my dad on Sundays for a few hours. I would pull this beginning reader off of the library shelf every week. Every week I would try to read the first chapter. Every week I got further in the story. My mom would let me check it out, only if I could read it myself (She didn’t like the illustrations therefore she didn’t want to take time to read it to me). One day, I pulled the book from the shelf and when mom came to get me from the children’s corner, I realized that I had read the whole story. I ran to the check out desk and the Librarian KERCHUNKED the checkout card. My mother, brother and neighbors read. My teachers read. We all read aloud all day long in school. The Priest read aloud every day at mass, even in Latin. Everybody in the Doctor’s office read. People on the bus read. Dad’s waiting in their cars as the Mom’s and children grocery shopped, read. In fact, once you could read and write, Sunset Magazine considered you a reader and sent you mail every day.

Reading is important; I’ve spent my life reading. I’ve traveled around the world and into space through books. My favorite genre is whichever book I have open at the time. Children’s Literature is my passion. Book clubbing is one of the best past times, especially if food is involved. In fact my friends of old are in a book club and we are about to embark on a beach trip to “read” and discuss our newest selection.

My “home-run” book story has helped every student find his or her own “home-run” reads. Every year, I have shared my, Father Bear Comes Home, and every year my students have brought in their “home-run” books. That’s the “diving board” into our Lit. Studies.

In “Growing Up Digital,” Tapscott’s insights into the new generations enthusiasm for the Net reminded me of my generation’s enthusiasm for reading, movies, TV, parties and our driving permits. The Net-Generation, as Tapscott describes, “are learning, playing, communicating, working, creating communities, and enforcing a social transformation.”
N-Geners are interactive “techies” who are always looking for a way to “work it” verses the TV Generation of “Baby Boomers” who started out looking for “how it works.” Reading development is tougher today, society moves too fast to invest their “non-working” free time into a book or even “home work.” Since I stepped into my own classroom, I have seen students being told to read, being forced to read, and threatened into reading. Homework is not any longer the vehicle for students to gain their future lifestyles or careers with. Yet, the Internet does create an enthusiasm for learning. Since I have been enrolled in these courses, I have used the computers in every subject. My students are using the newest technology in the classroom because I am giving them investigative sites to use as they learn from each other and books. I agree with Tapscott, in order to bridge the gap with this up and coming generation we must “live and learn with them.”

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