American Voices
Asian American Voices
Latin American Voices
Middle-Eastern American Voices
Native American Voices
South-Eastern American Voices
What does being an American look like? How did the generations before us get here? What does it mean to be an American today? At some point in our lives... we must discover the wisdom that we learn from our past in order to live a better future.
These book suggestions have strong character, beautifully woven story threads, and a perspective of gratitude that those who have walked before us are worthy of our understanding. America was founded on values that would enable its citizens to live a life of freedom. To most of the early immigrants, those who fled to to America, and those who have lived under dictatorship... those voices understand the true value of living in America. Our constitution is the only document that provides individual rights to its citizens... for the simple reason... that all life is created by one creator. America seeks to improve throughout its generations. America is a country in which democracy is balanced with a republic system of checks and balances in which no one individual is more allowed complete control over its citizens.
Becoming literate provides every individual the freedom to learn, to think and dream, to have personal choices, and to have a free opportunity to live out their convictions. Wisdom is knowing the difference between truth and lies. Understanding that one point of view isn't the only perspective. Knowledge is in the recognition that those who walked before had come from other countries... because they hoped to escape the tyranny of dictatorship.
Do you know their stories?