Freeing your soul from all the negative stuff in your life is an exhilarating experience. It’s amazing what a positive mindset can do! God has forgiven us for our sins, and now it’s time that you start forgiving yourself. It’s time to change your thought process and learn how to enjoy the destiny God has created for you. In your life journey, challenges and mistakes are going to happen, but you need to realize how these issues are simply the stepping stones to the “good life”. This book will not only teach you how to overcome obstacles, but to renovate your soul. When you are finished, you will have the tools to give your mind, body, and spirit a complete overhaul. It’s time to make better choices. It’s time to live that wonderful life you dream of. It’s time you focus on the YOU that God intended you to be. It’s time to DETOX YOUR SOUL!!
Meet the Author: Tamar House grew up on the other side of the tracks. She was born in Lancaster, California and spent her early life in the slumlords. Straight from the school of hard knocks, she has been through it all. Abandoned by her biological father, lived in a drug-infested neighborhood, molested as a child, raped as an adolescent, ran with the gangs as a teenager, and divorced in her early twenties, she felt that God was out to punish her. She was broken and abused and she struggled as a single mom. She met her current husband, Ryan, in 2010 and he brought her back to the Christian church. She accepted the Lord back into her life weeks after they met and she began focusing on all of the wonderful blessings she has in her life. She decided to rid her soul of all the negativity that encompassed every ounce of her being, and started on her journey to true happiness. She began encouraging her friends and co-workers to live life focused on being caring and loving, instead of anger and resentment. People started to notice this change in Tamar, and saw that by changing your attitude, it could change your life. She has created a following on social media and now her friends all look up to the motivational posts she has to offer. She wants everyone to have the wonderful life God intended for us all. She is now happily married with four beautiful children, is a successful Realtor, owns a property management company, sells body alkalizing and balancing products, and spent two years writing this book “Detox Your Soul”. She hopes you enjoy it as much as she did writing it. This book will renovate your mind, body and spirit.
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Website: www.DetoxYourSoul.net
App for iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/soul-detox/id733097087?mt=8
App for Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.app_souldetox.layout&hl=en
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1FyP3HR
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1QckphX